Updating Prusa Firmware for RTD Pt1000 Compatibility: Guide

Updating my Prusa firmware for the Slice Engineering RTD Pt1000

Follow these steps to upgrade the firmware for your Prusa printer for a Slice Engineering RTD Pt1000. This will apply when you plug your RTD PT1000 into a thermistor port with no amplifier board


Part 1: Download Prusa Firmware


1. Download Arduino IDE - Arduino.cc









2. Download Prusa’s Firmware- https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware

   1. Go to Prusa Firmware



2. Pick your printer


 3. Go to "Code" and download ZIP

4. Locate and extract the file

5. Open the “Prusa-Firmware(yourprinter).zip” file and find and open the “Firmware” folder

6. Open the "variants" folder at the top and select your printer

7. Copy the file and paste it back into the "Firmware" folder

8. Rename the file “configuration_prusa.h”

9. Scroll down and find the "firmware.ino" file, marked with Arduino Logo, double click the file to open the Arduino IDE previously downloaded.



10. Navigate to File > Preferences > Additional Boards Manager URLs and paste in: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prusa3d/Arduino_Boards/master/IDE_Board_Manager/package_prusa3d_index.json

      -This will tell the Arduino IDE where to find the pin configuration for a Prusa printer

11. Click "Ok"

12. Navigate next to Tools > Board > Boards Manager and search "Prusa"

  • You can use either option, as long as it is compatible with your printer
  • Install and close



13. Navigate once again to Tools > Board > Prusa Research AVR Boards > Prusa Research Einsy RAMBo

14. Compile the firmware by selecting the Checkmark (√) icon on the top left to ensure everything is reading correctly

This may take a couple of minutes, you will see a “Done Compiling” note at the bottom of the screen once complete.


Part 2: Configuring the Firmware for RTD Pt1000

1. Navigate to the drop-down arrow on the right of the screen and select the configuration_prusa.h file previously saved



2. Scroll down until you see the list of all the different temperature sensor numbers


By default #5 will be chosen for the stock 100k thermistor
Find #1047 which is the Pt1000 with 4k7 pullup resistor. This is the standard for all Prusas as of the time guide was made

3. Scroll down to "#define TEMP_SENSOR_0" value and change it from 5 to 1047


 4. Optional: You can raise the temperature now to the max that your printer is able to reach 

  • Scroll up to EXTRUDER SETTINGS

  • Under //Mintempts

  • Change #define HEATER_0_MINTEMP to 5 for the extruder

  • Under //Maxtemp 450

    Change #define HEATER_0_MAXTEMP to 450

  • The RTD is rated to 500C, so use your personal preference here, we use 450 


5. Update secondary language settings. The firmware will default to a secondary language that is not English. It will work once uploaded to your computer, but there will be random symbols on the screen.
  • Navigate to the right pulldown menu again

  • Select the “Config.h” file
  • Scroll to //LANG - Multi-language support 

  • Edit the lines to remove the “//” in front of 

“#define LANG MODE 0 // primary language only”

  • Add “//” to #define LANG_MODE 1 // sec.language support





6. Compile again with the check ( √ ) icon at the top left and make sure everything is working
  • Go to Tools and chose the Port that your Prusa is plugged into on your computer

  • Make sure your Prusa is on at this point

  • Click Upload - arrow icon on top left

  • This will prompt everything to compile again, and then will begin to upload

  • Your Prusa screen will soon say “Upgrading firmware, do not disconnect”

  • After a few minutes, this upgrade should process without issue

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