The first method of configuring a dual heater Mosquito Magnum+® is using a single logical heater with two physical outputs. The second method involves using two heaters in parallel, acting as a single heater with double the power. The third configuration involves each heater being tied to its own extruder heater output and then assigning both heaters to a Mosquito Magnum+® tool. All three configurations achieve similar results, with the ability to utilize either one or two temperature sensors. The first configuration only applies to RepRapFirmware (RRF) 3.4 or greater and the latter two only apply to RRF 3.0 or greater.
Configuration 1: Separate Heaters Tied to One Logical Heater
One way to utilize the dual heater capability of Mosquito Magnum+® is by wiring the two heaters into separate ports while treating them as one logical heater. This method does not require any specific firmware settings aside from creating a heater as one normally would. The two heaters will act as one.
The examples listed below were made using the Duet 3 Mini 5+. Therefore, pin names will be referencing this board. Also, for these examples, a placeholder bed temperature sensor will be temperature sensor 0, the first temperature sensor for Magnum+ will be sensor 1, and a second sensor will be sensor 2. The temperature sensor used will be the Slice Engineering RTD Pt1000.
Separate Heaters Tied to One Logical Heater Firmware Configuration
If using a single temperature sensor:
The tool should be setup as a hotend usually is, with a single temperature sensor, heater, and fan assigned. See the example configuration below.
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Separate Heaters Tied to One Logical Heater
- ;Single Temperature Sensor
M308 S1 P"temp1" Y"PT1000" A"RTemp" ;Pt1000 located in right side of hot block
- ;Define Mosquito Magnum+ heater
M950 H1 C"out1+out2" T1 ;2 Heaters wired to separate connectors but treated as a single logical heater
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Max Temperature
M143 H1 S310
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Fan
M950 F0 C"out5" ;Hotend fan on "out5" connector
M106 P0 S255 H1 T45 ;Enable thermostatic hotend fan (Fan turns on at 45C)
- ;Tool Definition Mosquito Magnum+
M563 P0 D0 H1 S"Mosquito Magnum+" F1 ;Define Mosquito Magnum+ Tool
T0 ;Set tool 0 as active tool
G10 P0 S0 R0 ;Set tool operating and standby temperatures
The tool configuration should appear similar in Duet Web Control to the image below.
If using two temperature sensors:
The second temperature sensor can act as protection against a situation where the primary sensor is not reading correctly and the hot block is heating uncontrollably. The second temperature sensor can be assigned to a temperature at which causes a heater fault or even turns off the entire machine. This configuration will cause a heater fault at a set temperature, however, different safety configurations can be setup by viewing the M143 command in the Duet G-code dictionary found
here. In a future RRF, this feature should also allow a heater fault to be caused by a defined temperature difference between the two sensors. See the example configuration below.
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Separate Heaters Tied to One Logical Heater (Two Sensors)
- ;Two Temperature Sensors
M308 S1 P"temp1" Y"PT1000" A"RTemp" ;Pt1000 located in right side of hot block
M308 S2 P"temp2" Y"PT1000" A"LTemp" ;Pt1000 located in left side of hot block
- ;Define Mosquito Magnum+ heater
M950 H1 C"out1+out2" T1 ;2 Heaters wired to separate connectors but treated as a single logical heater
- ;Define Monitor Temperature Sensor
M143 H1 P1 S310 T2 A0
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Max Temperature
M143 H1 S310
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Fan
M950 F0 C"out5" ;Hotend fan on "out5" connector
M106 P0 S255 H1 T45 ;Enable thermostatic hotend fan (Fan turns on at 45C)
- ;Tool Definition Mosquito Magnum+
M563 P0 D0 H1 S"Mosquito Magnum+" F1 ;Define Mosquito Magnum+ Tool
T0 ;Set tool 0 as active tool
G10 P0 S0 R0 ;Set tool operating and standby temperatures
The tool configuration should appear similar to the single temperature sensor configuration, however, there will be another temperature sensor with the given name in the temperature chart and Extra tab in the Tool window.
Configuration 2: Parallel Wiring of Heaters
One way to utilize the dual heater capability of Mosquito™ Magnum+ is by wiring the two heaters in parallel. This method does not require any specific firmware settings aside from creating a heater as one normally would. The two heaters will act as one. The Duet 3 6HC, Duet 3 Mini 5+, and Duet 2 have extruder heater outputs with amperage ratings above the ~4.2A required for two 50 Watt heaters wired in parallel.

NOTE: Configuration 2 is currently only recommended for the Duet 2, as the screw terminals for connecting the extruder heaters to the board make parallel wiring simpler and safer when compared to the 2 pin JST VH connectors in both the Duet 3 6HC and Duet 3 Mini 5+.
The examples listed below were made using the Duet 3 Mini 5+. Therefore, pin names will be referencing this board. Also for these examples, a placeholder bed temperature sensor will be temperature sensor 0, the first temperature sensor for Magnum+ will be sensor 1, and a second sensor will be sensor 2. The temperature sensor used will be the Slice Engineering RTD Pt1000.
Parallel Wiring of Heaters Firmware Configuration
If using a single temperature sensor:
The tool should be setup as a hotend usually is, with a single temperature sensor, heater, and fan assigned. See the example configuration below.
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Parallel Wiring of Heaters
- ;Single Temperature Sensor
M308 S1 P"temp1" Y"PT1000" A"RTemp" ;Pt1000 located in right side of hot block
- ;Define Mosquito Magnum+ heater
M950 H1 C"out1" T1 ;2 Heaters wired in parallel
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Max Temperature
M143 H1 S310
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Fan
M950 F0 C"out5" ;Hotend fan on "out5" connector
M106 P0 S255 H1 T45 ;Enable thermostatic hotend fan (Fan turns on at 45C)
- ;Tool Definition Mosquito Magnum+
M563 P0 D0 H1 S"Mosquito Magnum+" F1 ;Define Mosquito Magnum+ Tool
T0 ;Set tool 0 as active tool
G10 P0 S0 R0 ;Set tool operating and standby temperatures
The tool configuration should appear similar in Duet Web Control to the image below.
If using two temperature sensors:
The second temperature sensor can act as protection against a situation where the primary sensor is not reading correctly and the hot block is heating uncontrollably. The second temperature sensor can be assigned to a temperature at which causes a heater fault or even turns off the entire machine. This configuration will cause a heater fault at a set temperature, however, different safety configurations can be setup by viewing the M143 command in the Duet G-code dictionary found
here. In a future RRF, this feature should also allow a heater fault to be caused by a defined temperature difference between the two sensors. See the example configuration below.
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Parallel Wiring of Heaters (Two Sensors)
- ;Two Temperature Sensors
M308 S1 P"temp1" Y"PT1000" A"RTemp" ;Pt1000 located in right side of hot block
M308 S2 P"temp2" Y"PT1000" A"LTemp" ;Pt1000 located in left side of hot block
- ;Define Mosquito Magnum+ heater
M950 H1 C"out1" T1 ;2 Heaters wired in parallel
- ;Define Monitor Temperature Sensor
M143 H1 P1 S310 T2 A0
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Max Temperature
M143 H1 S310
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Fan
M950 F0 C"out5" ;Hotend fan on "out5" connector
M106 P0 S255 H1 T45 ;Enable thermostatic hotend fan (Fan turns on at 45C)
- ;Tool Definition Mosquito Magnum+
M563 P0 D0 H1 S"Mosquito Magnum+" F1 ;Define Mosquito Magnum+ Tool
T0 ;Set tool 0 as active tool
G10 P0 S0 R0 ;Set tool operating and standby temperatures
The tool configuration should appear similar to the single temperature sensor configuration, however, there will be another temperature sensor with the given name in the temperature chart and Extra tab in the Tool window.
Configuration 3: Separate Heaters Assigned to a Single Tool
This configuration utilizes two separate extruder heater outputs for each heater. With this method, one could potentially use higher power heaters while staying under the rated current of Duet extruder heater outputs.

WARNING: In this configuration, the tool will have two separate input fields for temperatures in Duet Web Control. Setting a print temperature will activate both heaters at once ONLY if one uses G-code. If one was to set a print temperature using the input field in the tool window, it would only activate a single heater, potentially causing a heater fault. Setting hotend temperatures MUST ONLY be done using either the console input field located above, the console tab under the control group, or by sending gcode from any other means. This includes print start scripts as well.
For example, setting the temperature to 100 °C could be done in the following ways:
G10 S100
M568 S100 (If using RRF 3.3beta2 or later)
M104 S100 (Deprecated in RRF but widely used in Slicers)
M109 S100 (Deprecated in RRF but widely used in Slicers)
Separate Heaters Assigned to a Single Tool Firmware Configuration
If using a single temperature sensor:
Each heater will be assigned to the same tool and also share the same temperature sensor.
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Separate Heaters Single Tool
- ;Single Temperature Sensor
M308 S1 P"temp1" Y"PT1000" A"RTemp" ;Pt1000 located in right side of hot block
- ;Define Mosquito Magnum+ heaters
M950 H1 C"out1" T1 ;Single Heater
M950 H2 C"out2" T1 ;Second Heater
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Max Temperatures
M143 H1 S310
M143 H2 S310
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Fan
M950 F0 C"out5" ;Hotend fan on "out5" connector
M106 P0 S255 H1 T45 ;Enable thermostatic hotend fan (Fan turns on at 45C)
M106 P0 S255 H2 T45
- ;Tool Definition Mosquito Magnum+
M563 P0 D0 H1:2 S"Mosquito Magnum+" F1 ;Define Mosquito Magnum+ Tool
T0 ;Set tool 0 as active tool
G10 P0 S0:0 R0:0 ;Set tool operating and standby temperatures
The tool configuration should appear as such.
If using two temperature sensors:
Once again, we can set a second temperature sensor to cause a heater fault at some higher temperature.
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Separate Heaters Single Tool (Two Sensors)
- ;Two Temperature Sensors
M308 S1 P"temp1" Y"PT1000" A"RTemp" ;Pt1000 located in right side of hot block
M308 S2 P"temp2" Y"PT1000" A"LTemp" ;Pt1000 located in left side of hot block
- ;Define Mosquito Magnum+ heaters
M950 H1 C"out1" T1 ;Single Heater
M950 H2 C"out2" T1 ;Second Heater
- ;Define Monitor Temperature Sensor
M143 H1 P1 S310 T2 A0
M143 H2 P1 S310 T2 A0
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Max Temperatures
M143 H1 S310
M143 H2 S310
- ;Mosquito Magnum+ Fan
M950 F0 C"out5" ;Hotend fan on "out5" connector
M106 P0 S255 H1 T45 ;Enable thermostatic hotend fan (Fan turns on at 45C)
M106 P0 S255 H2 T45
- ;Tool Definition Mosquito Magnum+
M563 P0 D0 H1:2 S"Mosquito Magnum+" F1 ;Define Mosquito Magnum+ Tool
T0 ;Set tool 0 as active tool
G10 P0 S0:0 R0:0 ;Set tool operating and standby temperatures

Note: If the M143 command is triggered, both heaters will be in a fault state. Therefore, both heaters must have their faults reset individually.
The tool configuration will appear similar to the two temperature sensor configuration using heaters wired in parallel.