Recent Topics
Poor heating performance with Mosquito Magnum
I recently contacted support about this issue, but the responses are taking days, and I am getting very frustrated with this issue. Below is my original message to the support team. "I am running Klipper on a BTT SKR1.4 Turbo, and I am unable to get my
First reviews for X1С are VERY alarming. Looks like Mako has a serious engineering flaw.
Hello SE team, Looks like Mako has a serious engineering flaw. The first users have already received their hotends and everyone is reporting that they are constantly clogging on X1C. Bambulab discord and chat are overflowing with posts about it from respected
Just received my PRP. Do I paint over the nozzle hole?
Hi everyone, just received my PRP and really excited to try it after lots of PETG blobbing. This might be a stupid question, but I was wondering, do you just paint the entire nozzle (including the hot end / hot end hole?), or should you be careful and
Heater Cartridge Removal
I am trying to remove a heater cartridge from a Mosquito hotend and it is very stuck. I am not sure that the heater unseater is the correct tool or how it would work. Any tips for removing the stuck heater cartridge without damaging the hotend?
24V heater cartridge failing to maintain temperature
Hello, I purchased a Mosquito for Creality hotend, plus a 50W heating cartridge and thermistor. I installed it this week, but I've immediately run into an issue with it. I have it installed on an Ender3 with an SKR Mini E3 V2, using Marlin with the modifications
RE: The Monoprice Make Select Plus
Hello, I took apart the printer. I was surprised to find that the MK10 nozzle on this printer had a larger inner diameter compared to other MK10 nozzles. Once I figured out why or for what reasoning they had to make the ID larger on the nozzle, I was
Adding a Photo of my Current Print...
Hello, I am not quite to the point where I am using the Copperhead Hotend yet w/ all the fixings, i.e. heater core and thermistor. But... I wanted to post something from my gigantic printer I fastened together from an old PrintrBot 1403. So, w/out further
Does any of the Hotends from Slice Engineering work w/ the Monoprice Maker Select Plus?
I just got a new printer for testing and I wanted to upgrade it. The printer is called Monoprice Maker Select Plus and I wanted to see if any parts from Slice Engineering would work on this specific printer... Seth
Copperhead Heatbreak Drop-in for Ender 3 and Ender 6 Printer
Hello Everyone, I dropped a copperhead heatbreak in my ender 3 and 6, * Running everything Stock except for the heatbreak, I did not experience this prior to upgrade * Filament is PLA+ from eSun * Settings was all the same before upgrade, except for retraction
Brand new Prusa Mk3 hotend and thermistor replaced with Mosquito, temp runs away and melts print head
Well the title says most of it. I printed the needed pieces from thingverse to install the Mosquito into the MK3. Everything went well enough but when I try to run the PID calibration the unit runs away, Prusa display never says it goes over 240 but the
Mosquito Hot End which way?? please help!
Hello, I just purchased a Mosquito hot End for my Tevo Tarantula Pro. I am designing a carriage mount that can be 3-D printed( obviously!!). I'm not sure which way to place the Mosquito, looking at the heat sink, or looking at the Mosquito logo?? Please help! the fan ducked I an designing comes very close to the side of the heat block, and I don't want it to melt. should it be placed in the front, or the heat sink side?
Boron Nitride Paste
Good Morning All, I put the paste on an old thermistor, for the hot end and just bought a new one. How do I remove the old thermistor with the paste? Thanking you in advance, gyrene2083
Using Copperhead Heatbreak with Prusa I3 MK3S heat sink and hot block
Hi there, I purchased a Copperhead Threaded Reprap 1.75 (compatible with the MK3S) heat break. When installing it with the Prusa e3d V6 hot block and nozzle i noticed that the hot end of the heat break is longer than the e3d heat break by about 1.5 mm and pokes out of the hot block. Is this okay? Thank you! Jesse Riley
Copperhead Slicone Boot
Is the boot required for the copperhead? I have a Ender 3V2 with Copperhead Heartbreak, and I recently added the copperhead hot block and silicone boot. Problem I am having is cooling Since the copperhead is much wider than the stock block, I am having
Oops and I just Realized what the Top Part was For Currently?
Hello, I just ordered a Copperhead. The issue now is that I removed the PTFE insert holder... Does your company sell more of these items or can you direct me where to purchase them? Seth
Older Model Printers/PrintrBot 1403 Simple Metal and Copperhead
Hello, I am fitting new ideas to an older model printer. I have a PrintrBot 1403 Simple Metal. I am mechanically changing it slowly and adding in more options for larger builds. I had come across this company, Slice Engineering, b/c I wanted a few parts
Filament skipping
I am hoping someone can help point me in the right direction. I am running a Railcore II ZL with core xy setup using a Bondtech extruder and a Mosquito Magnum hotend. I am running a 0.4 mm Tungsten Carbide nozzle (love these nozzles by the way, better
Upgraded from Mosquito to Mosquito Magnum, now it overheats
I upgraded my Prusa's Mosquito to a Mosquito Magnum, including the insulator. I used the boron paste on everything, redid PID autotuning, and did a few prints, everything looked good. But eventually it jammed up. I checked the Bondtech extruder tension;
Stringing with Prusa Mini w/ BondTech extruder and Copperhead hot end
I went all in with the upgrades for my Mini. I can print filaments now that I couldn't print before. The print quality is over the top. Mini has never printed this well before. However... I have bad stringing that that won't go away. The stringing is
Raise 3d Pro 2 Plus Upgrade kit
We just got the Pro2 Plus upgrade kit for our printer. We got the kit installed and when we go to run the PID calibration, it says autotune failed. The default temp is 240 C it will heat up to 240 but continues to go past it until 280 - 290 C and then
Identifying vanadium nozzles
Hi, I have a few vanadium and bridge master nozzles, but am having difficulty telling them apart. I'm about to do some PETG-CF printing and keen not to destroy my bridgemaster nozzles. Is there any identifying mark, scratch test, or way to clearly distinguish
mosquito onto anycubic kobra max
My kobra max has a volcano style hotend from the factory and I would like to upgrade to a mosquito. I was wondering if anyone makes adapter brackets going from volcano style to mosquito style. I don't want a decrease in speed capabilities so I'm not sure
Polarity Thermocouple
Bought the Raise3d Pro2 Upgrade Bundle. Manual says the K thermocoupler wires is color coded. The wires on the ones that came with the kit is all black. How to figure out the polarity, or maybe it doesn't matter? Manual says: The Type K Thermocouple follows
How do I install ddx copperhead onto DDX extruder?
I've searched high and low and I can't find installation instructions for a ddx copperhead onto a DDX extruder. Can someone point me to them?
Typical Feed Rate for PLA?
I've just made a new printer with a Mosquito with 0.4mm CHT nozzle, a Voron silicon sock 50W bond tech heater and a 300C thermistor. The feed rate seems like it could be a bit slow. It's probably half of what I'd expect. I'm printing 1.75 PLA at 210c
Air Gap in Heatsink
Hello folks, This is a long winded way to ask what is probably a simple question with a simple answer. The context: I recently purchased the Copperhead as an upgrade for the Anycubic Vyper. The Vyper's stock hotend has the sort of design where the bowden
Mosquito Magnum PETG max flow rate?
What is the max flow rate in the Mosquito Magnum for PETG? I purchased the Mosquito Magnum with the impression that it would provide much greater flow rate than the stock Prusa V6 hot end. The most I have been able to reliably push through the hot end
Prusa Mini heatbreak
Is there a bimetallic heatbreak available for the Mini without a whole hotend?
mosquito hotend flow rate
I have a mosquito hotend and the flow rate seems really low. I'm running a .4 nozzle and can't seem to print very fast without the extruder jumping on the filament. I have tried two new nozzles. I have check steps on the extruder and they are correct.
Print Speed with Mosquito Magnum and 1mm+ Nozzles?
With the Magnum and a 1.0 - 1.6mm nozzle what sort of print speed can be expected before the hot end cannot keep up?
Simplify 3D
Any chance. of publishing some optimized S3D profiles? And/Or calculations for volumes and speed and nozzle by size, Tutorials etc. I want to get the most from my mosquito magnum and Bontech DDX
dual fans
dual fans for better cooling, push/pull. Good or not good? Hope to reach 400 C.
My COREXY Installation
Mosquito Magnum in my CoreXY printer
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Can I use the Mosquito™ hotend with a threaded-style extruder?
Can I use the Mosquito™ hotend with a threaded-style extruder?